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Student Complaints

正规博彩十大网站排名致力于解决学生的问题,以响应和迅速的方式. 我们鼓励学生首先直接与相关的学院代表交谈,自己解决问题. 负责学生事务的副校长兼教务长可以为有投诉的学生提供资源. The college acknowledges, however, 学生有权通过这里列出的任何程序对学院提出正式投诉.

Agnes Scott Student Complaint Policy

正规博彩十大网站排名致力于解决学生的问题,以响应和迅速的方式. 我们鼓励学生首先直接与相关的学院代表交谈,自己解决问题. 负责学生事务的副校长兼教务长可以为有投诉的学生提供资源. 


艾格尼丝·斯科特区分了学生投诉和学生对大学政策和决定的申诉. A student’s appeal, whether for an exception to a policy, of a decision made by a judicial body, or of a financial aid award, is not considered a student complaint. There are specific procedures in place for students who wish to make an appeal; these procedures vary according to the type of appeal. Information about appeal procedures can be found in the relevant sections of the Student Handbook and/or the Agnes Scott College Catalog.


In addition, 对于投诉其他学生的学生,有多种流程. These include Honor Court, Judicial Board, 研究生委员会和调解和冲突解决程序可通过宿舍生活办公室. 学生在解决对其他学生的投诉方面寻求指导,应联系负责学生事务的副校长和学生主任.

The following procedures are to be followed for all other types of complaints.

正规博彩十大网站排名有投诉的学生,如果无法通过与相关人员交谈来解决问题,应该与负责该领域的学院官员讨论这个问题. 学生应在事件发生后30天内尝试以非正式方式解决问题. 如果问题仍然不能解决,那么学生可以提交正式的书面投诉.

试图通过非正式投诉程序解决问题但仍不满意的学生,可以向学院教务处副院长和院长或学生处副院长和院长提交正式的书面投诉. 这应在非正式程序完成后尽快完成,但应在事件发生后六个月内完成. The student must complete the Student Complaint Form, which is available in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 在学术咨询和无障碍教育办公室以及学院的网站上. If the complaint is about a vice president of the college, the student should file the complaint with the Office of the President. If the complaint is about the president of the college, 建议学生与负责学生事务的副校长交谈,或者学生可以将正式的书面投诉提交给董事会秘书,并将投诉表格装在一个密封的信封里,收件人是董事会主席.

  1. Depending on the nature of the formal complaint, the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs, 学术咨询和无障碍教育办公室或校长办公室将记录正式投诉,并将其发送给学院的相应官员进行解决.
  2. 该官员(或其或其指定人员)将在学院开会期间的10个工作日内审查书面投诉并回复学生. 
  3. If the complaint involves a specific staff or faculty member’s action, the officer should consult with the director of people and culture for guidance. 在收到正式投诉后,该官员还将通知任何指定的工作人员或教职员工, which names that person. Depending on the nature of the complaint, the officer may call together all involved parties, mediate the situation and find a reasonable solution. If no resolution is found or the resolution is unsatisfactory to any party, 学生或直接涉及争议的个人可以在试图调解和解决问题的72小时内向司法审查委员会提出书面申请. 警务人员亦可将投诉直接送交司法覆核委员会, if she or he chooses in lieu of mediation.

司法审查委员会有30天的时间听取争端各方的意见并作出决定. If a specific staff or faculty member’s action is in question, 负责人文事务的副校长将担任司法审查委员会的当然委员. Additionally, if a faculty member’s action is in question, 学院执行委员会主席亦为当然委员. 委员会将以书面形式向有关各方宣布调查结果和建议. Deliberations of the Judicial Review Committee are confidential. Current procedures of Judicial Review Committee will be followed; no legal representation or recording devices will be permitted at committee meetings. The committee’s decision is final. 各方都应尊重委员会决定的机密性.

Filing a Complaint with a State Agency

Agnes Scott students may file a complaint with the Georgia Non-Public Post-Secondary Education Commission (GNPEC) by contacting the commission at 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, Georgia 30084-5305 or calling 770.414.3300. 学生在联系委员会之前应遵循学院的投诉解决政策.

居住在州外的远程学习学生在注册正规博彩十大网站排名课程时,可以向他们居住的州的适当机构提交投诉. 所有国家机构的联系信息列表可以在NC-SARA通过点击找到 here. Students residing in California may contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education at 2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento, CA 95833 or 916.431.6924.


Filing a Complaint with an Accreditor

学生可以就正规博彩十大网站排名是否符合其认证机构的标准提出投诉, the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges, in accordance with SACSCOC’s Policy Statement, which may be found here.


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